Sunday, September 30, 2012

Upcoming Events

Hello all,

A few reminders: our next meeting will be this Wednesday, October 3rd at 3:30 pm in the Draper Hall lounge.  We will be finalizing details for our upcoming two events - the Book and Bake sale, which will take place on Tuesday, October 9th, and the NYS Archives trip which will be on Friday, October 12th (morning or early afternoon, the time is not yet confirmed). 

We're starting some preliminary work on planning the new website, and we will update you with some of our ideas on here.  Feel free to comment if there's anything in particular you'd like to see on the new site - either comment on this post or drop us a line on the chapter email ( 

  See you on Wednesday!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fall 2012: First meeting on Wednesday, 9/5, at 3:30!

Hello all,

Welcome back!  Hope you're all adjusting well and back into the swing of things for this fall semester.  Just a quick reminder that our first meeting is this Wednesday, 9/5, at 3:30 PM in the Draper Lounge.  For those of you who need directions, the Draper Lounge is in the middle section of the first floor of Draper, adjacent to the Coca-Cola machine.  At our first meeting we hope to lay out or plans for trips and other activities this semester, so we hope to see you! 

Keep an eye on this blog for more updates and a lot of changes, as the blog and the chapter's website (currently inactive) will be undergoing some renovations. 

Hope to see you all on Wednesday!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wiki Completed

After many months of work, the wiki is now completed.   Click on the link to view it.   You may also go to the information resources section to find the link.   If there are any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail us. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Our Wiki

As some of you may know, the current and former officers of SCSAA have been working on a wiki. It purpose is to provide a continuously up-datable resource for future officers and anyone else interested in the group. After months of work and collaboration, we have finally decided to make it public. The actual unveiling will be this coming Sunday, March 18th.

In terms of content, the wiki contains information about group activities, the duties of officers, places SCSAA has visited, and much more! Upon its official unveiling, a post will be made and a link to the wiki will be provided. Enjoy your Spring Break!

-Mike Paulmeno, SCSAA Webmaster

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meeting Minutes for 3/6/2012

Hello all,

This week's meeting was a fairly short one, but we discussed a number of things, primarily the NYC trip and our two upcoming bake sales.

Regarding the NYC trip, we will not be going next week and we have decided to aim for April 20th (though the 13th is also a possibility).  We intend to visit some combination of the following: the Frick Art and Reference Library, the Morgan Library, and the New York Public library.  If you have any thoughts on which of the above dates works best for you, or any other sites you would like to visit, please let us know at

On other news, we will be having a bake sale at the uptown campus during the ASIS&T Open Source Festival on March 29th between 2:00 and 8:00 PM.  More specific details will be forthcoming.  We will also be having a book and bake sale at the downtown campus some time between now and the NYC trip (ideally).  If you have any books to donate, let us know! 

Finally, we discussed some possible future ideas for trips, including an archivist panel which was planned for last semester and had to be cancelled, and perhaps a visit to the Arkell Museum in Canajoharie. 


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meeting Minutes for 2/21

Hello all,

At this meeting we discussed a few things, chiefly:

We debriefed the Rensselaer Historical Society visit for those who were unable to come along.  We visited the Hart-Cluett House and the Research library in downtown Troy, and we learned that the Historical Society loves (and wants) interns.  If anyone is looking for a place to do their archival internship(s), Rensselaer Historical Society would be a great place to do it.

We discussed plans for the Book and Bake sale at the downtown campus, which will happen sometime during the month of March.  If anyone has books to donate, please let us know here on the blog or through email at  More firm details on the bake sale will be available shortly, and it seems that we may do another bake sale at the uptown campus during the ASIS&T Open Source Festival - so check your email / this blog for more updates soon. 

We discussed the upcoming New York City trip for April - we had been aiming for March, but it seems more likely that we will be heading down in April.  More details to come.

That's all for now, the next meeting will be on Tuesday the 6th at 3:30 in the Draper lounge, as per usual.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rensselaer Historical Society Visit

Hello all,

We've finalized our plans for our visit to the Rensselaer Historical Society - we'll be going on this Saturday (2/18) at 11 AM, where we will get tours of the Cluett House, the Research Library, and the Joseph Carr House.  For those who are going and those who are looking for carpool plans, watch your email inboxes (if you are interested in going and have not yet said so, email the group account at  

Hope to see you all there.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New UAlbany SCSAA Email and First Meeting Reminder

Hello all,

I hope your Spring Semester is off to a good start!  Just a short update today, we have a change in the UAlbany SCSAA email address, and a reminder of the first meeting for this semester.  The new email address for the SCSAA account is

Also, a reminder that our first meeting for this semester will be on Tuesday, February 7th, at 3:30 PM in the Draper Lounge. 

More updates to come!